At NTS Retail we strive to achieve a common goal: To find the right balance between economic success, social responsibility, and protecting our environment. Pursuing the goal of maintaining sustainable business practices, we try to act responsibly towards our planet and the people we work with. We want to make the world a little better wherever we can and provide our employees with a social fabric that allows them to thrive.
To express our commitment with respect to human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, NTS Retail has become an official participant of United Nations Global Compact, the world’s leading voluntary corporate social responsibility initiative.
Click here, to learn more about this initiative. See register of participants.

Protecting the environment
We strongly believe that protecting the environment is an obligation to ensure a viable future for everyone. As such, we strive to play our part, individually, but particularly as an organization. The goal is to keep our consumption of resources as low as possible. There are several ways in which we currently contribute to that goal: Recycling wherever possible, encouraging working from home, switching to electric company cars, minimizing the amount of necessary business trips, and relying on sustainably produced goods in our daily office operations.
We try to emphasize even the presumably small steps everyone can take around the office: shutting down the computer at the end of the day, switching off the lights, if they are not needed and using the central heating and air condition as economically as possible. These steps may seem small individually, but as a collective effort, they yield a lot of potential.
Sustainable procurement as a recipe for success
NTS Retail develops innovative retail software solutions that also contribute towards saving resources. Printing documents like sales receipts, invoices or top-up slips is no longer required as the software facilitates the use of digital receipts. Order consolidation routines help our clients optimize transport routes thus reducing the load on the environment. Additionally, resources and costs for production, logistics and storage can also be kept at a minimum.
In addition to that, we also make sure to purchase all the materials we provide for our employees from regional suppliers. Be it office supplies such as printer paper or workplace equipment and technical devices, sustainable procurement is always of great importance to us. This even holds true for the very first procurement stages when examining needs and determining requirements in which we follow a strict four-eyes principle. We take a close look at possible suppliers and check whether they live up to our expectations.
Protecting the environment and adhering to the principles of sustainability while still running a successful business are in no ways contradicting objectives. Quite on the contrary, they represent goals that need to be combined in order to guarantee a successful future for our customers.

Focus on people and diversity
The most valuable resource for NTS Retail are its employees. The time, dedication, talent and know-how they invest in our company are simply indispensable. Therefore, we place great emphasis on creating ideal working conditions for them, promoting their health and providing them with opportunities to receive advanced training and education, while enabling a proper work-life balance.
A responsibly acting company is also characterized by how it treats its employees personally. We always show great respect and appreciation for each of our team members and believe in equal opportunities regardless of a person’s gender, skin color, nationality, ethnical background, religion or ideology, handicap, age, sexual orientation or identity.
Being a responsibly acting company, NTS Retail considers all these points as a matter of course. At the same time, the commitment we dedicate to our employees as well as the promotion of their numerous potentials also constitutes a distinct competitive advantage. Investing in people means investing in the future.

A strong commitment to fair business practices
We at NTS Retail follow a basic principle: It is not just about achieving your business goals but also about how you achieve them. Fairness, transparency and integrity thus represent essential elements of our business management operatives. This is also deeply anchored in our Code of Conduct which reflects our strong internal and external commitment to fair business practices. Following this Code of Conduct, NTS Retail always acts in accordance with all applicable laws and strictly opposes unfair competition, corruption and bribery in any shape or form. NTS Retail employees are therefore generally forbidden from offering, granting or accepting any form of benefits. Regardless of where we conduct business, we are always guided by our high values and principles and deliberately set an example against unfair business practices.
Besides demanding from all the members of our corporate team to act in a rightful and ethical way, we at NTS Retail also place great emphasis on fair play when it comes to our competitors, suppliers and customers. We expect our business partners to respect our principles and, in addition to that, also encourage them to actively apply them to their own operations. After all, this is the only way to achieve sustainable success together.