On this page, we have collected information about upcoming digital events and recordings from previous events.
At NTS Retail, we are passionate about telco brands and want to give them the perfect set of tools to create a smooth & memorable customer experience. As such, we are always keen to share our perspective and engage in insightful discussions with industry leaders.
We hope you find some joy and interesting takeaways in browsing through the contents below.
Download infopaper
Take a look at our paper “Recommended Actions to Manage Social Distancing in Telco Retail” and see which options are right for you.
Upcoming webinars
We are preparing the next sessions and will announce them soon. Stay tuned!
Recordings of past webinars
As telcos had their moment in the limelight while the world went into home office mode, the role of their retail networks started to shift rapidly within mere weeks. What is the state of telco retail now and how does it align with the goals and visions set before the pandemic? What steps do telcos need to take in order to set their retail stores up for success as the pandemic subsides and we move into the new normal? Our experts Beniamin Longodor (VP Business Development), Gerd Eberhardt (Head of Product Management) and Dr. Khaireel A. Mohamed (Chief Technology Officer) discuss the winning strategies that leading telcos adapt in order to make sure their retail branches emerge from the pandemic stronger than ever.
Self-service kiosk solutions have seen a surge in popularity, more so since the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed telco retailers away from traditional physical into digital and hybrid channels. Held with our partners from KIOSK Information Systems, our experts Anne Guenther (KIOSK US), Erwin Gutic (KIOSK EU), Gerd Eberhardt (NTS Retail) and Michael Hoffmann (NTS Retail) are taking a closer look at what telco operators can expect from self-service kiosks from both an experience and a business perspective.
Held with our partners from APG Cash Drawer, this webinar highlights the challenges retailers face while addressing the implementation of cash into their retail environment. Our industry experts Stephen Bergeron and Khaireel A. Mohamed share their insights on how telco retailers have been approaching this difficult task up until now. They also give a perspective on the future role of cash and how it can be incorporated into the solution design.
In this webinar (held in German) we are joined by some of our valued partners and outstanding industry experts to discuss the potential of using self-service kiosks in retail. Our panelists discussed the current status of self-service usage across different industries and verticals, how to tap into new potentials and which investments to focus on to build a future-proof retail setup. Our panelists were: Josef Schneider, Patrick Hagemeister (both Pyramid Computer), Andreas Schulz (MICHAELTELECOM AG), Christian Aigner (booker GmbH) and Michael Hoffmann (NTS Retail).
In this webinar entitled “Social Distancing in Telco Retail”, our Head of Product Management Gerd Eberhardt walks us through the impact of social distancing on telco retailers and provides us with his take on a range of recommended action. The presentation is followed by a panel discussion featuring NTS Retail CEO Günther Schrammel, VP Business Development Beniamin Longodor and special guest Josef Schneider, CEO at Pyramid Computer.
Gerd Eberhardt made a guest appearance on One-to-One, the industry podcast by our partner over at Statflo. In this insightful conversation with Statflo CRO Scott McArthur, Gerd discusses the approach towards helping telcos boost their customer experience from a product perspective and how it has shifted over the course of the pandemic. The podcast will be available on your favorite podcast app soon!
Set the best course of action for your brand
Our info paper provides you with a condensed overview on recommended actions to implement social distancing for your retail stores. Fill out the form to get your copy.
Let's create something amazing together
We'd love to help kickstart the digital transformation for your retail business. Just drop us a line or give us a call!