Austrian telco Hutchison Drei Austria (known in Austria under their brand name “Drei”) selected NTS welcome manager as a queue management solution for their flagship store in Vienna. The product has been in operation on-site since October 2017 and aligns perfectly with Drei’s innovative open space store concept. The idea behind the new store setup is to offer an engaging environment without counters, discouraging waiting lines or exceedingly busy staff. Instead, customers experience an atmosphere that is more akin to a tech-inspired coffee shop.
With the new concept in place, customers get to enjoy a pleasant, inviting atmosphere that encourages them to explore new products, read up on current offers or just sit down and have a cup of coffee.
An open space concept that works
The innovative open space shopping environment in the operator’s flagship store is a great example for the general direction telcos are taking with their store concepts. The trend is to create inviting, engaging spaces that leave room for customers to explore rather than have them walk up to a counter or wait in front of a monitor. Upon entering the store, customers are welcomed by a dedicated employee who asks for the reason for their visit. If a customer’s request requires extensive consultation, the customer is assigned a spot in the queue or an appointment is arranged.
Great customer satisfaction thanks to NTS Retail’s digital queuing solution
Not only is digital queue management an effective way to handle peak visiting hours in stores, it also provides additional service value to the individual customer. While customers are required to wait their turn with most ticketing systems – usually resulting in them staying in the store and staring at a monitor – NTS welcome manager provides a waiting time forecast and the option to receive a text message notification. This way, customers can make better use of the time spent waiting, for example by visiting other stores within the same mall.
watch our video to see Nts welcome manager in action
Read our case study to learn more
The introduction of NTS welcome manager at the store, situated in the Millennium City, one of Vienna’s most iconic malls, has been an exciting project for us at NTS Retail. Download our case study to read all about the project!