NTS Retail set to present at the TM Forum DTW Ignite event in September

Khaireel Mohamed speaking

We are beyond excited to announce that our CTO Khaireel Mohamed will be a speaker at this year’s Digital Transformation World (DTW). He will provide unique insights into the process of adopting the standards put forward in the TM Forum ODA to a large-scale transformation of digital channels. 

This year, the event has been named “Ignite” and revolves around “igniting” the power of collaboration in the industry and driving growth. The efforts of the TM Forum lie in defining the building blocks for new operating models, impactful new partnerships, and advanced software platforms, unlocking the value of data to create nearly endless opportunities for players across the communications ecosystem.

Design challenges from bringing digital channels to a modern BSS environment

"I am very excited about the opportunity to speak at DTW Ignite! The TM Forum and its standards are a very important piece of the puzzle in our transformation journey, and I cannot wait for September 19th!", Khaireel commented on the upcoming event.

Without giving away any spoilers at this point, the talk will provide some interesting perspectives on the intricacies of bringing digital channels onto a modern BSS stack for telcos, how the TM Forum assets help to lay the foundation for a consistent and functional digital transformation.

You can view Khaireel’s profile on the event website.

Care to learn more?

We will have more news to share on the contribution leading up to the event, so stay tuned for more. If you would like to discuss the transformation in your organization and get some insights into our platform and how we designed it to help telcos with this exact challenge, feel free to fill out the form so we can get in touch!